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Jeff McKenna edited this page May 2, 2012 · 2 revisions
# Script :                                                                                                      
# Purpose: An adaption of the ArcView Avenue example script genfeat.ave. It's                                           
#          basically the Douglas-Peucker generalization algorithm.                                                      
# Initial Coding: 04/10/2000                                                                                            
# Last Modified: 10/10/2005                                                                                             
# Author  : Stephen Lime (                                                                   
# Version : 1.0                                                                                                         
# comments: initial implementation                                                                                      
# Author  : Tom Kralidis                                                                                                
# Version : 1.1                                                                                                         
# comments: updating, cleanup and newer perl mapscript methods, reporting                                               
use strict;                                                                                                             
use warnings;                                                                                                           
use POSIX;                                                                                                              
use XBase;                                                                                                              
use mapscript;                                                                                                          
use Getopt::Long;                                                                                                       
use File::Copy;                                                                                                         
my ($infile, $outfile, $tolerance);                                                                                     
GetOptions("input=s", \$infile, "output=s", \$outfile, "tolerance=n", \$tolerance);                                     
if(!$infile or !$outfile or !$tolerance) {                                                                              
  print "Usage: $0 --input=[filename] --output=[filename] --tolerance=[maximum distance between vertices]\n";           
  exit 0;                                                                                                               
die "Tolerance must be greater than zero." unless $tolerance > 0;                                                       
# initialize counters for reporting                                                                                     
my $incount  = 0;                                                                                                       
my $outcount = 0;                                                                                                       
# open the input shapefile                                                                                              
my $inSHP = new mapscript::shapefileObj($infile, -1) or die "Unable to open shapefile $infile.";                        
die "Cannot thin point/multipoint shapefiles." unless ($inSHP->{type} == 5 or $inSHP->{type} == 3);                     
# create the output shapefile                                                                                           
unlink "$outfile.shp";                                                                                                  
unlink "$outfile.shx";                                                                                                  
unlink "$outfile.dbf";                                                                                                  
my $outSHP = new mapscript::shapefileObj($outfile, $inSHP->{type}) or die "Unable to create shapefile '$outfile'. $!\n";
copy("$infile.dbf", "$outfile.dbf") or die "Can't copy file $infile.dbf to $outfile.dbf: $!\n";                         
my $inshape = new mapscript::shapeObj(-1); # something to hold shapes                                                   
for(my $i=0; $i<$inSHP->{numshapes}; $i++) {                                                                            
  $inSHP->get($i, $inshape);                                                                                            
  my $outshape = new mapscript::shapeObj(-1);                                                                           
  for(my $j=0; $j<$inshape->{numlines}; $j++) {                                                                         
    my $inpart  = $inshape->get($j);                                                                                    
    my $outpart = new mapscript::lineObj();                                                                             
    my @stack = ();                                                                                                     
    $incount += $inpart->{numpoints};                                                                                   
    my $anchor = $inpart->get(0); # save first point                                                                    
    my $aIndex = 0;                                                                                                     
    my $fIndex = $inpart->{numpoints} - 1;                                                                              
    push @stack, $fIndex;                                                                                               
    # Douglas - Peucker algorithm                                                                                       
    while(@stack) {                                                                                                     
      $fIndex = $stack[$#stack];                                                                                        
      my $fPoint = $inpart->get($fIndex);                                                                               
      my $max = $tolerance; # comparison values                                                                         
      my $maxIndex = 0;                                                                                                 
      # process middle points                                                                                           
      for (($aIndex+1) .. ($fIndex-1)) {                                                                                
        my $point = $inpart->get($_);                                                                                   
        #my $dist = $point->distanceToLine($anchor, $fPoint);                                                           
        my $dist = $point->distanceToSegment($anchor, $fPoint);                                                         
        if($dist >= $max) {                                                                                             
          $max = $dist;                                                                                                 
          $maxIndex = $_;                                                                                               
      if($maxIndex > 0) {                                                                                               
        push @stack, $maxIndex;                                                                                         
      } else {                                                                                                          
        $anchor = $inpart->get(pop @stack);                                                                             
        $aIndex = $fIndex;                                                                                              
    # check for collapsed polygons, use original data in that case                                                      
    if(($outpart->{numpoints} < 4) and ($inSHP->{type} == 5)) {                                                         
      $outpart = $inpart;                                                                                               
    $outcount += $outpart->{numpoints};                                                                                 
  } # for each part                                                                                                     
  undef($outshape); # free memory associated with shape                                                                 
} # for each shape                                                                                                      
$outSHP = ''; # write the file                                                                                          
undef $inSHP;                                                                                                           
undef $outSHP;                                                                                                          
my $reduction = ((($outcount / $incount) * 100) - 100) * -1;                                                            
print <<END;                                                                                                            
$0 Summary:                                                                                                             
Input File  : $infile  ($incount vertices)                                                                              
Output File : $outfile ($outcount vertices)                                                                             
Tolerance   : $tolerance                                                                                                
Reduction   : $reduction%                                                                                               
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