A PHP library that aims to simplify use of the gfycat api in your PHP application.
- oauth2 authenticataion with the gfycat api
- create gfycats and update gfycats against your gfycat account
- create gfycats anonymously without having to authenticate.
use t14\gfycat\GfyCatAnon;
$gc = new GfyCatAnon();
// directory file is located in
$dir = 'dir/name/';
// name of file
$file = 'file.gif';
// full list of optional parameters available [here](https://developers.gfycat.com/api/#gfycat-creation-parameters-and-options)
$params = [
'title' => 'Still struggling with Haskell',
'noMd5' => 'true',
'tags'=> ['coding', 'Haskell'],
captions' => [['text' => 'Still struggling with Haskell']]
//returns the gfyid if successful or http error code on failure
$gc->createGfycat($dir, $file, array $params);
// you can get info on gfycat such as weburl, title, etc.
$gcInfo = $gc->getGfyCat($gfyID);
By autenticating you can store all your gfycats under your user profile ID and update them as you wish.
Before you start you will need a user account and a client secret and client id [visit here for more info] (https://developers.gfycat.com/api/#authentication)
use t14\gfycat\GfyCatAuth;
$gc = new GfyCatAuth();
$config = [
'username' => 'YOUR_USERNAME_HERE',
'password' => 'YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE',
'client_id' => 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE',
'client_secret' => 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET_HERE',
'grant_type' => 'password', // currently onLY the password grant type allows you to save to your gyfcat account
// directory file is located in
$dir = 'dir/name/';
// name of file
$file = 'file.gif';
// full list of optional parameters available [here] (https://developers.gfycat.com/api/#gfycat-creation-parameters-and-options)
$params = [
'title' => 'Still struggling with Haskell',
'noMd5' => 'true',
'tags'=> ['coding', 'Haskell'],
captions' => [['text' => 'Still struggling with Haskell']]
//returns array containing access_token, refresh_token_expires_in, refresh_token, expires_in, access_token
$credentials = $gc->auth($config);
//returns the gfyid if successful or http error code on failure
$gc->createGfycat($dir, $file, $params, $credentials['access_token']);
// you can get info on gfycat such as weburl, title, etc.
$gcInfo = $gc->getGfyCat($gfyID);