A minimal implementation of LightTable's BOT Architecture.
BO can be used to glue different parts within the application with behaviors. It can help augment the Data Flow in javelin with
- Data Store
- Control Flow
(defprotocol IBO
(add [this object-name object-map])
(get-object [this object-name])
(get-in-object [this object-name object-keys])
(update! [this object-name object-map])
(update-in! [this object-name object-keys value])
(rm [this object-name])
(objects [this])
(by-prop [this meta-info matcher])
(raise [this event-name input]))
(ns tailrecursion.bo.test
(:require [tailrecursion.bo :as bo]))
(let [test-bo (bo/BO. (atom {}) (atom {:pc nil :frame []}))]
(bo/add test-bo :foo {:type :object :data 1 :behaviors [:baz]})
(bo/add test-bo :bar {:type :object :data 0})
(bo/update-in! test-bo :bar [:data] 2)
(println (bo/get-in-object test-bo :bar [:data]))
(bo/add test-bo :baz {:type :behavior
:events [:e]
:action (fn [this event-name input obj-name]
(println (str "got " input " for " obj-name " from " event-name)))
(bo/raise test-bo :e 5))
got 5 for :foo from :e
$ lein cljsbuild auto
$ node target/test.js
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