Custom touchpad gestures for KDE Plasma 6.
Tested on 6.1.5 and 6.2. X11 is not supported.
- Override built-in gestures
- Application-specific gestures
NixOS (flakes)
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
kwin-gestures = {
url = "github:taj-ny/kwin-gestures";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
{ inputs, pkgs, ... }:
environment.systemPackages = [
The dependencies were copied from another project. Not all of them are necessary.
- CMake
- Extra CMake Modules
- Plasma 6
- Qt 6
- KF6
- KWin development packages
Arch Linux
sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel git extra-cmake-modules qt6-tools
Debian-based (KDE Neon, Kubuntu, Ubuntu)
sudo apt install git cmake g++ extra-cmake-modules qt6-tools-dev kwin-dev libkf6configwidgets-dev gettext libkf6crash-dev libkf6globalaccel-dev libkf6kio-dev libkf6service-dev libkf6notifications-dev libkf6kcmutils-dev libkdecorations2-dev
sudo dnf install git cmake extra-cmake-modules gcc-g++ kf6-kwindowsystem-devel plasma-workspace-devel libplasma-devel qt6-qtbase-private-devel qt6-qtbase-devel cmake kwin-devel extra-cmake-modules kwin-devel kf6-knotifications-devel kf6-kio-devel kf6-kcrash-devel kf6-ki18n-devel kf6-kguiaddons-devel libepoxy-devel kf6-kglobalaccel-devel kf6-kcmutils-devel kf6-kconfigwidgets-devel kf6-kdeclarative-devel kdecoration-devel kf6-kglobalaccel kf6-kdeclarative libplasma kf6-kio qt6-qtbase kf6-kguiaddons kf6-ki18n wayland-devel
sudo zypper in git cmake-full gcc-c++ kf6-extra-cmake-modules kcoreaddons-devel kguiaddons-devel kconfigwidgets-devel kwindowsystem-devel ki18n-devel kiconthemes-devel kpackage-devel frameworkintegration-devel kcmutils-devel kirigami2-devel "cmake(KF6Config)" "cmake(KF6CoreAddons)" "cmake(KF6FrameworkIntegration)" "cmake(KF6GuiAddons)" "cmake(KF6I18n)" "cmake(KF6KCMUtils)" "cmake(KF6KirigamiPlatform)" "cmake(KF6WindowSystem)" "cmake(Qt6Core)" "cmake(Qt6DBus)" "cmake(Qt6Quick)" "cmake(Qt6Svg)" "cmake(Qt6Widgets)" "cmake(Qt6Xml)" "cmake(Qt6UiTools)" "cmake(KF6Crash)" "cmake(KF6GlobalAccel)" "cmake(KF6KIO)" "cmake(KF6Service)" "cmake(KF6Notifications)" libepoxy-devel kwin6-devel
git clone
cd kwin-gestures
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
Remove the build directory when rebuilding the effect.
If the effect stops working after a system upgrade, you will need to rebuild it.
- Install the plugin.
- Open the Desktop Effects page in System Settings.
- Enable the Gestures effect in the Tools category.
See docs/ for instructions on how to configure this plugin.
Before reporting any issues related to gesture recognition, run libinput debug-events
as root and ensure the gesture is recognized properly. If it's not, there's nothing I can do.
Depending on the touchpad, 3 or 4-finger pinch gestures may sometimes be incorrectly interpreted as swipe gestures due to the touchpad only being able to track 2 fingers. As a workaround, move only 2 fingers in opposite directions. See for more information.
- KWin - Gesture recognition code (parts of it), sending keystrokes