A tool for registering application which run inside openresty as a spring cloud microservice, especially restful APIs developed by PHP.
there are two versions, one is compatible for eureka, another one for Spring cloud consul.
project tested on Spring Cloud version--Finchley.SR1(2.0.5.RELEASE).
make sure you have installed openresty and php 7.0&FPM successfully
1. copy all files(include directory) inside serviceRegistry/consul/lualib to your your openresty lualib directory maybe /usr/local/openresty/lualib
2. change your nginx.conf file same as serviceRegistry/consul/conf/nginx.conf, please pay your attention to the block
init_worker_by_lua_block {
if 0 == ngx.worker.id() then
local w = require 'consul.workerservice'
local filePath = "/usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/serviceInstance.json"
local consulUrl = ""
local file1 = io.input(filePath)
local serviceConfig = io.read("*a")
w.run(consulUrl, serviceConfig)
change the vairable "filePath"--"/usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/serviceInstance.json" to your own service configuration location. change the variable "consulUrl" -- "" to your own consul client url
don't change any key in this json, change the value according to your environment.
please make sure the check url (it is "" in my example) is an accessible url, I added a block in nginx.conf as below:
location = /health {
echo 'alive';
5. run a zuul gateway application, for example my zuul application run on host, and the port is 8040, then I can visit PHP service by the url
pattern http://{zuulhost}:{port}/{serviceName}/{contextPath}
$content = file_get_contents("");
echo $content;
for eureka, the steps are almost same as consul guide, ignore ...