A sandbox proof of concept for a session at Drupalcamp London (http://2013.drupalcamplondon.co.uk/session/zip-bdd-do-dah-zip-bdd-ay).
Uses the Drupal 7 Commerce Kickstart profile (http://drupal.org/project/commerce_kickstart), with Behat/Mink testing using Travis CI (https://travis-ci.org) and Saucelabs (https://saucelabs.com)
# Clone repo
git clone https://github.com/tayzlor/drupal-kickstart-behat.git public_html
# Create Drupal codebase
cd public_html
drush make build-commerce-kickstart.make www
# Install Drupal
cd www
drush si commerce_kickstart --sites-subdir=default --db-url=mysql://USERNAME:PASSWORD@localhost/DB_NAME --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin --site-mail=admin@example.com --site-name="Commerce Kickstart Profile" --yes
# Install testing tools
cd ../../tests/behat
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install
Modify /tests/behat/behat.yml
Set base_url
to your local host
Edit behat.local.yml
and set your drush alias for the site you are testing.
If you are using Saucelabs then set
wd_host: SAUCE_USER:API_KEY@ondemand.saucelabs.com/wd/hub
to contain your sauce username and API key.
If you are using the JIRA connector then set
host: http://YOURJIRAHOST.com/
to contain the path to your JIRA instance.
To run tests
# Run tests
cd /tests/behat