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Evaluation of Tampa Bay Watch, Great Bay Scallop Search, link

The data object at R/cntdat.RData includes compiled data for all available years. The columns are:

  • id: unique crew id to track which boat visited which site, hex in a given year. You make this up, just make sure the numbers are consistent within a year (i.e., it's okay to have one id shared across years because ids are only unique to the year)
  • Site: an identifier for transects within a hex for each crew/year combo. If it is unclear how many sites were visited at a hex for a given year, just put Site1 and the total scallop count for the crew/year row entry.
  • hex: the hex number where the transects were located
  • Scallops found: count of scallops found by a crew in a given year at a specified hex and Site. Enter zero if searched but none were found (there should be no "NA" or blank entries, i.e., a hex is not listed if it was not visited in a given year) year: survey year