This repo contains all the materials for the course MongoDB for Java Developers, in order to run a MongoDb in a docker container, import provided data, connect to the created atlas cluster and complete the tickets.
The docker-compose materials is located at docker folder, they contain:
- The docker-compose.yml file which runs the latest mongodb database
To run the container go to the docker folder and then run the following command in a CLI:
$ docker-compose up
Or to run in detached mode (background):
$ docker-compose up -d
After successfully run the container, run the following command and copy the CONTAINER ID:
$ docker container ls
Now run the following command to connect to the Atlas cluster:
$ docker exec -it [REPLACE_WITH_CONTAINER_ID] mongo "mongodb+srv://" --username m220student --password [REPLACE_WITH_PASSWORD]
To get the password go to the protected link and copy the password provided in the step 7.
After connect to Atlas cluster, run the following commands to import the data to the Atlas cluster:
$ cd handouts/mflix-java
$ docker cp data/ [REPLACE_WITH_CONTAINER_ID]:/
Check if the data
folder is in the correct path using the command:
And then use mongorestore
to import the data:
$ docker exec -it [REPLACE_WITH_CONTAINER_ID] mongorestore --drop --gzip --uri mongodb+srv:// data
In the mflix-java/src/main/resources directory you can find a file called
Open this file and enter your Atlas SRV connection string as directed in the comment. This is the information the driver will use to connect. Make sure not to wrap your Atlas SRV connection between quotes:
Run the application with maven:
$ cd handouts/mflix-java
$ mvn spring-boot:run
And then point your browser to http://localhost:5000/.