5G-QoERA An Integrated Dataset for QoE Assessment in 5G NR Based on User Mobility, Radio Map, Scheduling Decisions, and Application Details
This repository contains the 5G-QoERA dataset, designed to enable comprehensive Quality of Experience (QoE) assessments in 5G New Radio environments. The dataset integrates a variety of features such as user mobility, radio map environments, scheduling decisions, and application-level details, allowing researchers and developers to evaluate both QoE and Quality of Service (QoS) metrics in modern mobile networks.
Today, an unprecedented number of researchers and companies are interested in exploring advanced and optimized protocols and algorithms making the 5G New Radio technology (and of course its evolution) able to support heterogeneous services under heterogeneous scenarios. In most cases, their studies leverage computer simulations and simple datasets describing isolated functionalities of the overall complex mobile communication systems. Accordingly, despite all these valuable and available tools, there remains a lack of comprehensive, high-quality datasets that can support in-depth analysis, modeling, and testing of the 5G New Radio in real-world deployments. To bridge this gap, this paper presents a 5G dataset for Quality of Experience assessment in the new RAdio (5G-QoERA). The goal of the dataset is to indicate the level of quality experienced by mobile end users in terms of Mean Opinion Score, while jointly considering several influencing aspects such as real user mobility traces, real-world base station deployments and related radio map environments, variable scheduling decisions, and application-level details. After detailing the generation process of the dataset, a preliminary analysis of its features is conducted to underline the possible research activities that can take advantage of its usage.
For more details on 5G-QoERA, the following research publication is highly recommended: