An example of sequence prediction based on the CPT algorithm
Main part of the algorithm is based on CPT implementation from here
Tweaked for my own needs.
- Consisting of over 44k sequences of different lengths (from 2 items to 10) reprensenting over129k items
- there exists 370 differents CODES
- train.csv file desciption
- ID: gouping id for sequence
- CODE: sequence item
- LINE_NB: position of item in sequence
Predict the last item in sequence.
Training the model consist of building the Tree, Inverted index and Lookup Table
Tree: hierachical tree modeling the sequences
Inverted Index: dictionnary giving in which sequence each code is used
here CODE: 'PX9' is used in sequences 8,1,4,5
Lookup Table: dictionnary giving node adress of last element of a sequence:
Concept, For a given sequence:
find all sequences containing any its item using Inverted Index
Rebuild the original sequences using the Lookup Table (avoiding to save the original data)
then for each original similar sequence:
- find position corresponding to the last item in the sequence to predict
- calculate a score for each possible following item (check docs for global description)
return the n elements with biggest score
Simple API using FastAPI and can be run Docker
Due to nature of data, we can see that only the 2 or 3 preceding items are important. Thus, I decided to switch to a more classical approach using Decision tree / Random Forest calssifiers. it also permits more flexible approach allowing additional input feature to improve model performance.