Env: ROS kinetic + Ubuntu 16.04
required packages
controllers: velocity_controllers effort_controllers joint_state_controller joint_state_publisher joint_trajectory_action joint_trajectory_controller
Robotis: robotis_controller robotis_controller_msgs robotis_device robotis_framework_common robotis_manipulator robotis_math robotis_control robotis_gazebo op3_action_edito op3_action_module op3_action_module_msgs op3_balance_control op3_base_module op3_camera_setting_tool op3_direct_control_module op3_extra op3_gazebo op3_gui_demo op3_head_control_module op3_kinematics_dynamics op3_localization op3_manager op3_offset_tuner_client op3_offset_tuner_msgs op3_offset_tuner_server op3_online_walking_module
to run RL agent:
roslaunch robot_constraint_learning robotis_sim.launch
in new terminal:
roscd robot_constraint_learning/scripts
python RLEnv.py
package hardware
needs to put on the real robot.
package robotv1_control
, demo_moveit_config
need to put in a moveit workspace.
package robotv1_gazebo
need gazebo and rviz.
For simulation of the robotv1(biped robot)
Put package robotv1_control
, demo_moveit_config
, robotv1_gazebo
into a moveit workspace.
Every launch file should be executed seperately, make sure only one of this launch file is running at one time.
for move pelvis by inputing w/s/a/d/R, one command at a time.run
roslaunch robotv1_gazebo move_pelvis.launch
(it's not teleop_keyboard, you need to press enter after typing a command). This launch file will start rviz and gazebo at the same time.
for visualize the moveit motion plan through interactive marker, run
roslaunch demo_moveit_config demo.launch
for moveit plan execution on gazebo, run
roslaunch robotv1_gazebo robotv1_gazebo.launch
roslaunch demo_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch
for visualize the robot in rviz with fake joint publisher, run
roslaunch robotv1_description robotv1_rviz.launch
for start a gazebo simulation only, run
roslaunch robotv1_gazebo robotv1_gazebo.launch