Android Developer Nanodegree Popular Movies Stage 2 App
This is the Stage 2 of the Popular Movies App.
This app helps users discover popular and recent movies.
It requests the data from Internet on MoviesDB API and this ensures data is latest and updated.
Android Architecture Components
- ViewModel
- LiveData
- Repository
- Room Database
Retrofit ( A type-safe HTTP client )
Picasso ( A powerful image downloading and caching library )
Stetho ( A debugging library for Android applications )
Scrolling Activity
Material Design
JSON Parsing
RecyclerView with ViewHolder
- As the app launches, Home screen with movie posters arranged in a grid appears to the user.
- Select the category (popular, top rated and favorites) of movie list from Home screen settings menu on top-right.
- As user taps a movie, the movie detail screen opens with detailed information such as: original title, plot synopsis, user rating, release date
- You can mark a movie your favorite from the detail screen, it will be added to your favorite list
- This app works in offline mode as well. All your favorite movies can be seen in offline mode.
- Select the 'favorite' category from the menu option on top right at Home Screen in online as well as offline mode.
- On the detail screen you can watch various movie trailers as well as the movie reviews.
- This app fetches movies data from which needs API Key.
- You need to generate your own API Key to use this app.
- To obtain an API Key, Go to and sign up, you get your API Key generated.
- Replace the API Key in the strings.xml under values folder, replace the string value with name "api_key".