A quick bolt demo to check the the classroom machines
- Install bolt on the student0 machine
sudo yum install puppet-bolt --nogpgcheck -y
- Follow the instructions on https://puppet.com/docs/bolt/latest/getting_started_with_bolt.html to setup a bolt project.
- Copy the inventory.yaml into a text editor
- Do a find and replace to update the hostnames with the classroom name
- Add in the Windows login details.
- Copy the file into the inventory.yaml file of the Bolt project. The student0 machines are intentionaly left out
Check the linux machines are all up bolt command run uptime --targets linux
Check the windows machines are up bolt command run 'choco --version' --targets windows
There may be a time when you just need to get all the machines connected to the PE server.
- To install Bolt on all the Linux machines run
bolt command run 'yum install puppet-bolt --nogpgcheck -y' --targets linux
- To install the Puppet agent on all the Linux machines first make the remote script executable
bolt command run 'chmod +x /home/centos/install_pe_agent.sh' --targets linux
- Then install it
bolt command run '/home/centos/install_pe_agent.sh' --targets linux
- To install Bolt on all the Windows machines
bolt command run 'choco install puppet-bolt' --targets windows
- To install the Puppet agent
bolt command run 'cd ..; ./install_pe_agent.ps1' --targets windows