A framework for building large vue.js applications. Many useful tools built in, but totally flexible to use or replace what you don't like or don't need.
Take the application for a spin: vue-lantern
Dependency Container - Declare your dependencies for your application and let bottle.js manage your dependency tree.
app.bind('api', function (container) {
return new Api(container.http, config)
app.make('events').fire('example.test', 'This is a test!')
Auth - Authenticate and authorize your users with ease. Supports firebase and laravel drivers.
import { auth } from 'app'
auth.attempt('user@lantern.com', 'password')
<button v-guard="['admin', 'submit_tickets']"></button>
<button v-guard:deny="['trial']"></button>
Database & Search - Support for laravel, firebase and algolia out of the box.
search('examples/foo', 'tag')
search.driver('algolia').searchIndex('examples_index', 'tag')
Blueprint - Define your data model once, bootstrap your access to data with ease!
export default {
name: 'example',
driver: 'laravel',
events: {...},
module: {...},
transformRequest () {...},
transformResponse () {...}
model('example').create({ name: 'test', message: 'Hello world!'})
Vuex - Use vuex-bootstrappers to reduce the time it takes to setup your modules.
module: {
namespaced: true,
bootstrap: [ 'getters', 'mutations' ],
state: {
'name': '',
'message': ''
Vue-Router - Write simple middleware to protect routes and reset data store.
export default {
* Middlware before the user hits a route.
* @param {Lantern} app The application.
* @return {undefined}
handleBefore ({ auth }) {
return (to, from, next) => {
// If authenticated and accessing a guest only route, redirect to appropriate page
if (auth.authenticated() && to.meta && to.meta.guest) {
return next(config.redirect)
// If not authenticated and not accessing the guest path, redirect to the guest path
if (!auth.authenticated() && to.path !== config.guest) {
return next(config.guest)
// If the user does not have the given access permissions, throw an error
if (!auth.routeGuard(to)) {
return next(false)
return next()
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
# run unit tests
npm run unit
# run e2e tests
npm run e2e
# run all tests
npm test
- 0.1.0 Firebase Integrated
- 0.2.0 Auth Drivers
- 0.3.0 Vuex Cleanup
- 0.4.0 Vue Cleanup
- 0.5.0 Email / Username Example Login Page
- 0.6.0 Final Check on Bugs
- 0.7.0 Global Catch Block (Experimental)
- 1.0.0 Released