A Small Library for Commandline Menuing.
Creates Objects of Menus, add Submenues and entries. Not too beautyful but functional.
How to use:
Create Methods you wish to use with the Program. They have to be of Type void().
Create Menu Object and give it a Name. Menu* newMenu(std::string name)
Add Entries and/or SubMenus to the MenuObject. Arguments are:
- command for the actual string to type to invoke Method
- description for the entry
- actual method to be invoked newMenu->AddEntry("command", "description", method).
- command to enter Submenu
- Name of Submenu newMenu->AddSubMenu(command, name)
Quit Method in every Menu is already implemented, so you can always leave with the command "q".
- Enter Menu to start a while loop which is left, when the Quit Method gets invoked. newMenu->EnterMenu();