We would love to see how you use this amazing admin template. You can notify us about your site by sending a mail to us. We will write a blog post to showcase the best examples.
TourNest - tours/travel agency responsive HTML5 template
- Twitter Bootstrap http://getbootstrap.com
- jQuery http://jquery.org
- Font Awesome http://fontawesome.io
- Chartist.js https://gionkunz.github.io/chartist-js/
- jQuery slimScroll http://rocha.la/jQuery-slimScroll
- Linearicons https://linearicons.com/
- Feather Icons https://feathericons.com/
- Datamaps - https://github.com/markmarkoh/datamaps
Copyright (c) 2018 ThemeSINE
DashLoon is licensed under The MIT License (MIT). Which means that you can use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the final products. But you always need to state that ThemeSINE is the original author of this template.