This application is an evolution of previous Tech Jobs iterations whereby persistent storage is implemented into the application via a MySQL DBMS, Spring Boot, and Hibernate ORM (hence Tech Jobs "Persistent"). The previous iteration Tech Jobs MVC, introduced the Model View Controller Design pattern, which persists in the architecture of this iteration.
As with the other Tech Jobs applications (Tech Jobs MVC, Tech Jobs OOP, and Tech Jobs Console), this application allows users to search for, filter, and list job listings stored in the application's database (or RAM in the case of Tech Jobs OOP). Unique to this iteration, the user can also create jobs via a web interface. Said job will then be indefinitely stored in a MySQL database.
Look below for images of the application in use.
- Java 16
- Thymeleaf
- Spring Boot
- Gradle
User can see more details about the job listing such as the employer and required skills. Users can also click on any employer or skill to get more details about them.
User can now see a description of the skill and a list of every job posting that features SQL as a required skill.
Users can now see details about the selected employer (currently just the name and location).
Displays a list of every employer and every skill currently in the database.
...prior to searching for the term "data" across employers and skills (i.e. "All") for every job.
Displays all jobs with the word "data" in one of its fields.
Will return a list of all jobs with the phrase "Apache Spark" in one of its required skills.
This page allows users to type a name, choose an employer, and choose various skills to create a new job posting.
Now displays the newly added job on the home page.
After adding a skill.