i3 obs controller is used to change the scene when you change your active workspace, this can be helpfull for when you are trying to stream live but dont want your viewrs to see the other workspaces you open
- the obs-websocket plugin
- the
python librarypip install obs-websocket-py
- after installing the obs-websocket plugin, open obs and setup the plugin to add a password and chose a port
- clone the code
git clone https://github.com/thesusian/i3-obs-controller.git
or simply download and extract the zip - edit the
file and change the following variables
- port: the obs websocket port
- password: the obs websocket password
- LegalWorkspaces: the workspaces to be assigned to the first scene
- LegalScene: the scene that will be active when you are on a LegalWorkspace
- IllegalScene: the scene that will be a ctive when you are not on a LegalWorkspace