This project is an ArM App developed with Flutter, Springboot, MongoDB and ARkit/ARcore technologies.
- Augmented Reality (AR) integration with both ARkit and ARcore.
- Database integration with MongoDB.
- Backend development with Springboot.
- Frontend development with Flutter.
- Springboot installed on your machine.
- MongoDB installed on your machine or a remote server instance set up for the project.
- ARKit and ARCore SDKs installed on your machine or a remote server instance set up for the project if you want to use them in the app development process as well as for testing purposes before deploying it to production environment(s).
Clone this repository into a local directory:
git clone
Install all the necessary dependencies:
flutter pub get
Run the application:
flutter run
Set up MongoDB database connection (if necessary): refer to MongoDB documentation for further instructions
Set up Springboot backend (if necessary): refer to Springboot documentation for further instructions
Set up ARKit and ARCore SDKs (if necessary): refer to Apple's and Google's respective documentation for further instructions
Refer to the README file in each of the respective directories (Flutter, Springboot, MongoDB, ARKit, ARCore) for usage examples of each component of this project separately as well as how they interact with each other when used together in order to build an ARM App from scratch or modify an existing one accordingly depending on user's needs and requirements at any given time during development process or after deployment in production environment(s).
Pull requests are welcome! For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change before submitting a pull request.