$ yarn
$ yarn ts-node src/index.ts
-d, --debug extra debugging
-c, --country <country> Country code (DE or NL)
-e, --email <email> picnic email
-p, --password <password> picnic password
-u, --grocy-url <url> grocy url
-k, --picnic-auth-key <auth-key> picnic auth key
-a, --api-key <api-key> grocy api key
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
login login in to picnic and store the auth key
in datadir
import-basket import the grocy basket
import-last-order import the last order
import-order <order-id> import the order with given id
scan connect picnic products with barcodes
help [command] display help for command
- prettier, eslint
- make it possible to set options in the environment or a config file
- rework data persistence
- make scan logs less shit
- maybe convert this into a server instead of a cli