Application exports supervisord managed job's uptime and a few basic metrics (RSS, CPU%, IO R/W) at${PORT}/metrics/ url. The second function of this application is to monitor postgresql and run defined script (for example reload all services, ...) when postgresql is not available after 3 checks in row.
/metrics/ ... prometheus exporter
/_healthz/ ... health check returning 200 / 503
Usage supervisor-agent:
-check-interval int
Interval between checks in seconds. (default 30)
-health-uptime int
Minimal jobs uptime in seconds to set healthz endpoint to healthy state (return 200). (default 30)
-metrics-dir string
Directory where metrics will be stored (METRICS_DIR). (default "./metrics")
-pg-dsn string
PostgreSQL DSN (PG_DSN). Example: "user=username dbname=mydb sslmode=disable"
-pg-script string
Script that be executed when PostgreSQL is not available (PG_SCRIPT). Example: ./
-port string
Exporter listening port (PORT). (default ":8080")
-supervisor-url string
RPC Supervisor interface URL (SUPERVISOR_URL). (default "")
Print information about version and exits (5).
- The arguments -pg-dsn and -pg-script have to be defined to enable pgPing check.
- The check interval is not possible to set via ENV variable.
Depoy this binary together with the supervisord (it is possible to run this script as a systemd service or as a supervisor job), write your ./ script doing all required stuff and configure your prometheus to gather the metrics...
This script will be run after the database wasn't been available 3 times in row. Example is included in the repository as ./
Example how to configure supervisor job running supervisor-agent with custom DSN definition and script path (you can also set PG_DSN env variable to reach the same result)
command=/usr/local/bin/supervisor-agent --check-interval 15 --pg-dsn "user=develop password=developPassword dbname=develop sslmode=disable" -pg-script /usr/local/bin/
- job_name: supervisor_agent
honor_timestamps: true
scrape_interval: 30s
scrape_timeout: 10s
metrics_path: /metrics
scheme: http
follow_redirects: true
enable_http2: true
- targets:
env: prod