In each subdirectory is stored a project exploring a certain subject, that was not big enough for its own repository. A complete list can be found below
A crash course built for teaching Javascript for trainees joining Unect Jr. (pt-BR)
A crash course built for teaching React Js for trainees joining Unect Jr. (pt-BR)
A JWT Authenticator example with login, built with the help of this tutorial. (en)
Mandelbrot Set rendering, built with the help of this tutorial. (en)
Face Detection and Recognition algorithm built with face-api.js. (en)
Boids (flock) Simulation built with p5.js. (en)
Youtube Audio & Video downloader script, built with pytube. (en)
QR Code Generator script, built with qrcode. (en)
RESTful API, built with Go. (en)