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Open source indexer to store Events, Transactions and Blocks from any EVM chain


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Insight is a blockchain data processing tool designed to fetch, process, and store on-chain data. It provides a solution for indexing blockchain data, facilitating efficient querying of transactions and logs through a simple API.

Insight's architecture consists of five main components: architecture-diagram

  1. Poller: The Poller is responsible for continuously fetching new blocks from the configured RPC and processing them. It uses multiple worker goroutines to concurrently retrieve block data, handles successful and failed results, and stores the processed block data and any failures.

  2. Worker: The Worker is responsible for processing batches of block numbers, fetching block data, logs, and traces (if supported) from the configured RPC. It divides the work into chunks, processes them concurrently, and returns the results as a collection of WorkerResult structures, which contain the block data, transactions, logs, and traces for each processed block.

  3. Committer: The Committer is responsible for periodically moving data from the staging storage to the main storage. It ensures that blocks are committed sequentially, handling any gaps in the data, and updates various metrics while performing concurrent inserts of blocks, logs, transactions, and traces into the main storage.

  4. Failure Recoverer: The FailureRecoverer is responsible for recovering from block processing failures. It periodically checks for failed blocks, attempts to reprocess them using a worker, and either removes successfully processed blocks from the failure list or updates the failure count for blocks that continue to fail.

  5. Orchestrator: The Orchestrator is responsible for coordinating and managing the poller, failure recoverer, and committer. It initializes these components based on configuration settings and starts them concurrently, ensuring they run independently while waiting for all of them to complete their tasks.

Insight's modular architecture and configuration options allow for adaptation to various EVM chains and use cases.

Getting started


  1. Golang v1.23
  2. Clickhouse instance (docker-compose includes it for local development)


To run insight and the associated API, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repo
git clone
  1. Run the migration scripts here
  2. Apply the migrations from here
  3. Create config.yml from config.example.yml and set the values by following the config guide
  4. Create secrets.yml from secrects.example.yml and set the needed credentials
  5. Build an instance
go build -o main -tags=production
  1. Run insight
./main orchestrator
  1. Run the Data API
./main api
  1. API is available at http://localhost:3000


Insight node exposes Prometheus metrics at http://localhost:2112/metrics. Here the exposed metrics metrics.go


You can configure the application in 3 ways. The order of priority is

  1. Command line arguments
  2. Environment variables
  3. Configuration files

Configuration using command line arguments

You can configure the application using command line arguments. For example to configure the rpc.url configuration, you can use the --rpc-url command line argument. Only select arguments are implemented. More on this below.

Configuration using environment variables

You can also configure the application using environment variables. You can configure any configuration in the config.yml file using environment variables by replacing the . in the configuration with _ and making the variable name uppercase.
For example to configure the rpc.url configuration to, you can set the RPC_URL environment variable to

Configuration using configuration files

The default configuration should live in configs/config.yml. Copy configs/config.example.yml to get started.
Or you can use the --config flag to specify a different configuration file.
If you want to add secrets to the configuration file, you can copy configs/secrets.example.yml to configs/secrets.yml and add the secrets. They won't be committed to the repository or the built image.

Supported configurations:


URL to use as the RPC client.

cmd: --rpc-url env: RPC_URL yaml:


RPC Blocks Per Request

How many blocks at a time to fetch from the RPC. Default is 1000.

cmd: --rpc-blocks-blocksPerRequest env: RPC_BLOCKS_BLOCKSPERREQUEST yaml:

    blocksPerRequest: 1000

RPC Blocks Batch Delay

Milliseconds to wait between batches of blocks when fetching from the RPC. Default is 0.

cmd: --rpc-blocks-batchDelay env: RPC_BLOCKS_BATCHDELAY yaml:

    batchDelay: 100

RPC Logs Blocks Per Request

How many blocks at a time to query logs for from the RPC. Default is 100. Has no effect if it's larger than RPC blocks per request.

cmd: --rpc-logs-blocksPerRequest env: RPC_LOGS_BLOCKSPERREQUEST yaml:

    blocksPerRequest: 100

RPC Logs Batch Delay

Milliseconds to wait between batches of logs when fetching from the RPC. Default is 0.

cmd: --rpc-logs-batchDelay env: RPC_LOGS_BATCHDELAY yaml:

    batchDelay: 100

RPC Block Receipts Enabled

If this is true, will use eth_getBlockReceipts instead of eth_getLogs if the RPC supports it. Allows getting receipt data for transactions, but is not supported by every RPC. Default is false.

cmd: --rpc-block-receipts-enabled env: RPC_BLOCKRECEIPTS_ENABLED yaml:

    enabled: true

RPC Block Receipts Blocks Per Request

How many blocks at a time to fetch block receipts for from the RPC. Default is 250. Has no effect if it's larger than RPC blocks per request.

cmd: --rpc-block-receipts-blocksPerRequest env: RPC_BLOCKRECEIPTS_BLOCKSPERREQUEST yaml:

    blocksPerRequest: 100

RPC Block Receipts Batch Delay

Milliseconds to wait between batches of block receipts when fetching from the RPC. Default is 0.

cmd: --rpc-block-receipts-batchDelay env: RPC_BLOCKRECEIPTS_BATCHDELAY yaml:

    batchDelay: 100

RPC Traces Enabled

Whether to enable fetching traces from the RPC. Default is true, but it will try to detect if the RPC supports traces automatically.

cmd: --rpc-traces-enabled env: RPC_TRACES_ENABLED yaml:

    enabled: true

RPC Traces Blocks Per Request

How many blocks at a time to fetch traces for from the RPC. Default is 100. Has no effect if it's larger than RPC blocks per request.

cmd: --rpc-traces-blocksPerRequest env: RPC_TRACES_BLOCKSPERREQUEST yaml:

    blocksPerRequest: 100

RPC Traces Batch Delay

Milliseconds to wait between batches of traces when fetching from the RPC. Default is 0.

cmd: --rpc-traces-batchDelay env: RPC_TRACES_BATCHDELAY yaml:

    batchDelay: 100

Log Level

Log level for the logger. Default is warn.

cmd: --log-level env: LOG_LEVEL yaml:

  level: debug

Prettify logs

Whether to print logs in a prettified format. Affects performance. Default is false.

cmd: --log-prettify env: LOG_PRETTIFY yaml:

  prettify: true


Whether to enable the poller. Default is true.

cmd: --poller-enabled env: POLLER_ENABLED yaml:

  enabled: true

Poller Interval

Poller trigger interval in milliseconds. Default is 1000.

cmd: --poller-interval env: POLLER_INTERVAL yaml:

  interval: 3000

Poller Blocks Per Poll

How many blocks to poll each interval. Default is 10.

cmd: --poller-blocks-per-poll env: POLLER_BLOCKSPERPOLL yaml:

  blocksPerPoll: 3

Poller From Block

From which block to start polling. Default is 0.

cmd: --poller-from-block env: POLLER_FROMBLOCK yaml:

  fromBlock: 20000000

Poller Force Start Block

From which block to start polling. Default is false.

cmd: --poller-force-from-block env: POLLER_FORCEFROMBLOCK yaml:

  forceFromBlock: false

Poller Until Block

Until which block to poll. If not set, it will poll until the latest block.

cmd: --poller-until-block env: POLLER_UNTILBLOCK yaml:

  untilBlock: 20000010


Whether to enable the committer. Default is true.

cmd: --committer-enabled env: COMMITTER_ENABLED yaml:

  enabled: true

Committer Interval

Committer trigger interval in milliseconds. Default is 250.

cmd: --committer-interval env: COMMITTER_INTERVAL yaml:

  interval: 3000

Committer Blocks Per Commit

How many blocks to commit each interval. Default is 10.

cmd: --committer-blocks-per-commit env: COMMITTER_BLOCKSPERCOMMIT yaml:

  blocksPerCommit: 1000

Committer From Block

From which block to start committing. Default is 0.

cmd: --committer-from-block env: COMMITTER_FROMBLOCK yaml:

  fromBlock: 20000000

Reorg Handler

Whether to enable the reorg handler. Default is true.

cmd: --reorgHandler-enabled env: REORGHANDLER_ENABLED yaml:

  enabled: true

Reorg Handler Interval

Reorg handler trigger interval in milliseconds. Default is 1000.

cmd: --reorgHandler-interval env: REORGHANDLER_INTERVAL yaml:

  interval: 3000

Reorg Handler Blocks Per Scan

How many blocks to scan for reorgs. Default is 100.

cmd: --reorgHandler-blocks-per-scan env: REORGHANDLER_BLOCKSPERSCAN yaml:

  blocksPerScan: 1000

Reorg Handler From Block

From which block to start scanning for reorgs. Default is 0.

cmd: --reorgHandler-from-block env: REORGHANDLER_FROMBLOCK yaml:

  fromBlock: 20000000

Reorg Handler Force From Block

Whether to force the reorg handler to start from the block specified in reorgHandler-from-block. Default is false.

cmd: --reorgHandler-force-from-block env: REORGHANDLER_FORCEFROMBLOCK

  forceFromBlock: true

Failure Recoverer

Whether to enable the failure recoverer. Default is true.

cmd: --failure-recoverer-enabled env: FAILURERECOVERER_ENABLED yaml:

  enabled: true

Failure Recoverer Interval

Failure recoverer trigger interval in milliseconds. Default is 1000.

cmd: --failure-recoverer-interval env: FAILURERECOVERER_INTERVAL yaml:

  interval: 3000

Failure Recoverer Blocks Per Run

How many blocks to recover each interval. Default is 10.

cmd: --failure-recoverer-blocks-per-run env: FAILURERECOVERER_BLOCKSPERRUN yaml:

  blocksPerRun: 100


This application has 3 kinds of storage: main, staging and orchestrator. Each of them takes similar configuration, slightly depending on the driver you want to use. There are no defaults, so this needs to be configured.

For example, this can be a part of config.yml:

      port: 3000
      database: "base"
      disableTLS: true
      port: 3000
      database: "staging"
      maxItems: 10000

With the corresponding secrets.yml:

      host: localhost
      user: admin
      password: password
      host: localhost
      username: admin
      password: password