Title: Security Configuration Desc: THUMBAI security configurations Keywords: security, security configurations, thumbai security
Overview|#overview Session & Anti-CSRF Keys|#session-anti-csrf-keys User Datastore|#user-datastore Sample|#sample Permisions|#permissions
Introduction|/docs/introduction Get Started|/docs/get-started Configuring systemd service|/docs/systemd Upgrade|/docs/upgrade
Security configurations used to configure Session, Anti-CSRF and User Datastore.
Use handy command thumbai generate securekeys
to create secure keys for session and anti-csrf section.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Security Configuration
# Refer documentation to explore and customize the configurations.
# Doc: https://docs.aahframework.org/security-config.html
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
security {
session {
sign_key = ""
enc_key = ""
anti_csrf {
sign_key = ""
enc_key = ""
User datastore is section which contains user and user permissions for THUMBAI application.
Sample configuration in the distributed binary archive has two users defined (admin
and readonly
) in it for a quick start.
THUMBAI permission is structured as - Basically you could create a Permission Matrix easily.
# Permission created with the power of https://docs.aahframework.org/security-permissions.html
app-name : module-name : access-level
# Full Access to all modules (so called admin)
# Full Access to only vanity service
User datastore congiuration goes into section thumbai { ... }
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# User Datastore
# Doc: https://docs.aahframework.org/security-permissions.html
# Doc: https://docs.aahframework.org/security-config.html
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
user_datastore {
admin {
# password value is 'welcome'
password = "$2y$12$hqoJEVD9YnEUOPSrbQkjh.avcAQaj1hs6XHRjJuGpg/jZwFEQZA.i"
permissions = [
# locked = true
# expired = true
readonly {
# password value is 'readonly'
password = "$2a$12$pNCCu4OOh1Xj.fwaF8YeFORpWD/MlbHxteznC5RciRPoM9489aq/y"
permissions = [
# locked = true
# expired = true
THUMBAI uses aah framework security feature. aah permission model provides full capability to define customized permissions for the application use case.
THUMBAI Permission has three parts-
For example:
You would like to create an user called user1
with access to only vanity
feature. So configuration would look like -
Define inside the section user_datastore { ... }
user1 {
# password value is 'user1'
password = "$2y$12$btFqdhUZcmidGL/nD3S/S.nrXqAk0mz5dH0Z2179a6eCZI/doobrC"
permissions = [
# locked = true
# expired = true