Quick demo of PAMU_CDS, showing of how it could be used.
This demo contains three flows.
One flow with explicit recursion, showing PAMU_CDS catches recursive flows, using XrmMockup.
The to other two flows are not recursive due to the Filter Expression in one of the flows trigger. This is showing of PAMU_CDS's ability to parse and run Power Automate Flows, as they would be run by Power Automate.
Talking about XrmMockup: I use a modifyied version of XrmMockup for now, since I had to adjust the core and add some extension possibilities. My version can be found here: https://github.com/thygesteffensen/XrmMockup and the repository contains the nugets too. They can also be found at Nuget with some random names. XrmMockup modified and the extension interface.