“Não trabalho para mim, trabalho para todos e todos trabalham para mim. Quem semeia, colhe.” - Nabeiro
In the overview below you will find my recent work experience:
Full Stack Developer
Câmara Municipal do Fundão (CMF) • Full-time
Languages & Technologies: Firebase
, JavaScript
, Node
, React
, React Native
Featured Projects: Cowork Fundão
Systems and Information Technology Specialist
Município de Alter do Chão (CMAC) • Full-time
Languages & Technologies: AIRC
, Cisco
, Hyper-V
, React
Featured Projects: Turismo Alter
Researcher and Developer
Cybersecurity Competence Center (CCC) • Part-time
Featured Projects: Cibersecurity Maturity Assessment, Centro de Competências em Cibersegurança para a região Alentejo e Lezíria do Tejo
Bachelor's Defree, Computer Science and Enginnering
Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI) • 2020-23
Final Project: Cowork-Fundão Reservation Management System
Concluded with grade: 19/20
M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) • 2023-
Thesis: Cibersecurity Maturity Assessment
Concluded with grade: -
Please find me at LinkedIn for a more detailed description of my work experience, education and certification.