This was made for the GCSE J276 June 2019 & June 2020 series, Project Task #3. (Not as official coursework)
- Create an account at /register (auto login) 1b. Sign in to an account at /login
- Create a new game at / 2b. Join a game using a code at /
- Play a game at /[game code]
- View leaderboard at /leaderboard
- heroicons
- axios
- bcrypt
- cookie
- csstype
- dayjs
- ioredis
- jsonwebtoken
- nanoid
- next
- prisma
- pusher (& pusherjs)
- react (& react-dom)
- react-host-toast
- swr
- zod
I've chosen to use Vercel to deploy the frontend & backend API of this application. I'm using Heroku to host the Postgres database & Redis data storage. Furthermore, I'm using Pusher for live interactions (websockets).
View design file on Framer
That's all, folks.