This is a PowerShell wrapper for the ConnectWise Manage REST API.
The simplest way to get started is to connect with your Manage username and password.
Please refer to the documentation for recommended authentication methods.
The following example script will use the same information you use to log into Manage.
# This is the URL to your manage server.
$Server = ''
# This is the company entered at login
$Company = 'My Company ID'
# Create a credential object
$Credentials = Get-Credential
# Load the module into memory
iwr '' | iex
# Connect to Manage server
Connect-CWM -Server $Server -Company $Company -Credentials $Credentials
# Now that you are connected you can issue any of the avaliable commands
(Get-Module CWManage).ExportedCommands.Keys
# In the following example we are using a condition to find all contacts with the first name 'chris'.
$Chrises = Get-CWMContact -condition 'firstName="chris"' -all
# To clear your connection information from memory you can terminate the session or issue the disconnect command.
See below for a list of available commands.