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Alternative XML to RDF converters

Tim L edited this page Aug 1, 2016 · 22 revisions
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XSL crib sheet

(see also SDV organization)

<xsl:variable name="prefixes">
@prefix prov:    <>.
@prefix dcterms: <>.
@prefix rdfs:    <>.
@prefix foaf:    <>.
@prefix pext:    <> .
  • document-uri(/) gives the file path of the input XML document.
  • replace(reverse(tokenize(document-uri(/),'/'))[1],'.tidy','') gives the local name of the input XML document.

See also Scraping HTML


For example data in nsf-gov/awards/version/wget Is there a way to combine conversion:TemplatedTopicsEnhancement with XML as input?

<xsl:template match="rootTag/Award">
         conversion:topic [
            conversion:name "[AwardID]"; ### THIS is an XPath.
            a foaf:Person;
            prov:alternateOf [ 
               a foaf:Person;
               conversion:name "[#4]";

         conversion:topic [
            conversion:name "[#2]";
            a bibo:Article;
            prov:alternateOf [
               a bibo:Article;
               conversion:name "[#3]";

         conversion:topic [
            conversion:name "[#1])";
            a prov:Bundle, void:Dataset, void:Linkset;
            prov:wasDerivedFrom [
               a prov:Entity, prv:File;
               conversion:name "[/]id/url/md5/md5([#1])";
               prv:retrievedBy [ 
                  conversion:name "[/]id/url/md5/md5([#1])/access";
                  a prov:Activity, prv:DataAccess;
                  prv:accessedResource [ conversion:name "[#1]" ];
            void:target [ conversion:name "domain([#1])", 
                                          "domain([#4])" ];
            void:linkPredicate prov:alternateOf;
            sio:has-member [ conversion:name "[#1]", "[#2]", "[#3]", "[#4]" ];
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