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timrdf edited this page Nov 29, 2012 · 3 revisions

a conversion:Enhancement.

When a URI is created from a literal, the converter annotates it with rdfs:label and dcterms:identifier. In the case where you need to use a re-invented label property that is not one of these, conversion:object_label_property is used to indicate additional label properties to assert (in addition to rdfs:label and dcterms:identifier).

So, the cell value:

Channel Morphology,Dam Removal,Erosional Systems,Stream Restoration


@prefix tag: <> .

   dcterms:identifier "Desktop Watersheds" ;
   rdfs:label "Desktop Watersheds" .


      conversion:enhance [
         ov:csvCol    7;
         ov:csvHeader "all_keywords";
         conversion:eg                 "Channel Morphology,Dam Removal,Erosional Systems,Stream Restoration";
         conversion:delimits_object     ",\\s*";
         conversion:equivalent_property tag:taggedWithTag;
         conversion:range               rdfs:Resource;
         conversion:range_template     ",2008:/tag#[>.<]";
         conversion:range_name         "Tag";

adding conversion:object_label_property tag:name; to the above will result in:

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