This project has been implemented to enable the capability of customised HTML reports generation for JUnit tests. It has been achieved through JUnit's TestWatcher class.
It provides <succeeded()> and <failed()> methods which have been overridden as part of a rule created in ReportGeneratorRule
class. Depending upon the status of a JUnit test, the corresponding method is invoked.
The HTML report gets generated in a tabular format. The methods have the ability to write the scenario level information in rows under that table.
To include HTML report generation capability for a JUnit test
- Extend the
class in the Junit test class
public class JUnitSampleTest extends ReportGeneratorRule
- Create a ReportHeadersDto object in the class and set the members of the object at the appropriate places. These values will be later populated in the HTML report
assertTrue(1 < 2);
For reference of a sample usage, refer to - /src/test/java/com/htmlreport/testwatcher/tests/