Expand environment variables from AWS EC2 Systems Manager Parameter Store
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$ ./ssmenv --help
usage: ssmenv [<flags>]
Expand environment variables from AWS EC2 Systems Manager Parameter Store
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
--names=PARAM_NAME,... Names of the parameters (comma separated)
--paths=PARAM_PATH,... The hierarchy for the parameter names (comma separated)
--tags=KEY=VALUE,... Filter by tags (comma separated)
--types=String,SecureString The type of parameters (comma separated)
--multi-values=PARAM_NAME,... Names or paths with multiple values (comma separated)
--without-export Without export
--hide-exists Hide environment variables if it already exists
--fail-exists Fail if environment variables alerady exists
--retries=3 Number of times of retry
--access-key=ACCESS-KEY The AWS access key ID
--secret-key=SECRET-KEY The AWS secret access key
The AWS assume role ARN
--token=TOKEN The AWS access token
--region=REGION The AWS region
--profile=PROFILE The AWS CLI profile
--aws-config=AWS-CONFIG The AWS CLI Config file
--credentials=CREDENTIALS The AWS CLI Credential file
--version Show application version.
$ aws ssm put-parameter --name /test/env1 --value "foo" --type String --region us-east-1
$ aws ssm put-parameter --name /test/env2 --value "bar" --type String --region us-east-1
$ ./ssmenv --paths /test
export ENV1="foo"
export ENV2="bar"
$ eval $(./ssmenv --paths /test)
$ echo $ENV1
$ echo $ENV2
$ aws ssm put-parameter --name test.env1 --value "foo" --type String --region us-east-1
$ aws ssm put-parameter --name test.env2 --value "bar" --type String --region us-east-1
$ ./ssmenv --names test.env1,test.env2
export ENV1="foo"
export ENV2="bar"
$ eval $(./ssmenv --names test.env1,test.env2)
$ echo $ENV1
$ echo $ENV2
$ aws ssm put-parameter --name /test/env1 --value "foo" --type String --region us-east-1
$ aws ssm put-parameter --name /test/env2 --value "bar" --type String --region us-east-1
$ aws ssm add-tags-to-resource --resource-type Parameter --resource-id "/test/env1 resource id(n.b. invalid resource id)" --tags "Key=Env,Value=Production"
$ ./ssmenv --paths /test/env1,/test/env2 --tags "Env=Production"
export ENV1="foo"
$ eval $(./ssmenv --paths /test/env1,/test/env2 --tags "Env=Production")
$ echo $ENV1
$ aws ssm put-parameter --name /test/env1 --value "foo" --type String --region us-east-1
$ aws ssm put-parameter --name /test/env2 --value "bar" --type String --region us-east-1
$ ./ssmenv --paths /test
export ENV1="foo"
export ENV2="bar"
$ ./ssmenv --paths /test --without-export
$ aws ssm put-parameter --name /test/env1 --value "foo" --type String --region us-east-1
$ aws ssm put-parameter --name /test/env2 --value "bar" --type String --region us-east-1
$ ./ssmenv --paths /test
export ENV1="foo"
export ENV2="bar"
$ export ENV2=""
$ ./ssmenv --paths /test --hide-exists
export ENV1="foo"
$ ./ssmenv --paths /test --fail-exists
2018/07/02 12:31:49 ENV2 already exists
$ echo $1
$ aws ssm put-parameter --name /test/multienv --value "$(echo ENV3=bar; echo ENV4=baz)" --type String --region us-east-1
$ ./ssmenv --paths /test --multi-values /test/multienv
export ENV1="foo"
export ENV2="bar"
export ENV3="bar"
export ENV4="baz"
$ aws ssm put-parameter --name /test/secure_multienv --value "$(echo ENV5=foobar; echo ENV6=foobaz)" --type SecureString --key-id alias/aws/ssm --region us-east-1
$ ./ssmenv --paths /test --multi-values /test/multienv,/test/secure_multienv
export ENV1="foo"
export ENV2="bar"
export ENV3="bar"
export ENV4="baz"
export ENV5="foobar"
export ENV6="foobaz"
$ ./ssmenv --paths /test --multi-values /test/multienv,/test/secure_multienv --without-export
does not work absolute path
$ aws ssm put-parameter --name /test/env1 --value "foo" --type String --region us-east-1
$ aws ssm put-parameter --name /test/env2 --value "bar" --type String --region us-east-1
# work
$ ./ssmenv --paths /test/
export ENV1="foo"
export ENV2="bar"
# does not work
$ ./ssmenv --paths /test/env1
2018/07/02 13:37:45 InvalidParameter: 1 validation error(s) found.
- minimum field size of 1, GetParametersInput.Names.
# work
$ ./ssmenv --names /test/env1,/test/env2
export ENV1="foo"
export ENV2="bar"