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Performance Increment Strategy for Semantic Segmentation

preprint: arxiv

This the official code repo for the paper A Performance Increment Strategy for Semantic Segmentation of Low-Resolution Images from Damaged Roads.

The code contains many utilities to test different training setups like loss functions, augmentation, and optimizers. Moreover, there are further modifications on the ResNet and DeepLabV3+ architectures on the forked submodules smp_main and deeplabv3. Although this code looks like a framework, it was not designed to be so; thus, the code may not be tidy.

A tutorial on Colab is available here.

Start a training

To start, you just need to fill two dictionaries, one for the dataset options and another for the training options, with the setup information like the example below.

import training as tr

ds_params = {
    'ckpt_dirbase': '/dirsave/'

    'DS': 'RTKDataset',
    'n_classes': 12,
    'ix_nolabel': 255,
    'fl_plot': False,

    'bs_train': 8,
    'bs_val': 8,
    'bs_test': 8,

    'train_path': 'RTK_pisss/labeled_list_classic_n561.txt',
    'train_eval_path': 'RTK_pisss/train_eval.txt',
    'train_dummy_path': 'RTK_pisss/train_dummy.txt',
    'val_path': 'RTK_pisss/labeled_list_classic_val.txt',
    'val_dummy_path': 'RTK_pisss/val_dummy.txt',
    'test_path': None,

    'fl_classes_weights': False,
    'fl_clsweight_attenuate': False,
    'case_n': 'classic_n561',

    'fl_focal': False,
    'aug_type': 'crop',
    'crop_size': (224, 224),
    'scale_area': None

tr_params = {
    'fl_resume': False,
    'fl_force': True,
    'fl_fasttest': True,
    'fl_save_logimage': False,

    'nexps': 1,
    'start_exp': 0
    'niters': 1000,
    'nsteps': 200,

    'model_name':  'DeepLabV3Plus',
    'encoder_name': 'resnet50',

    'optim': 'adam',
    'sameLR': True,
    'max_lr_sgd': 1e-2,
    'min_lr_sgd': None,
    'lr_adam': 1e-4,
    'fl_warmup': True,
    'policy': None
    'fl_freeze': False,

    'fl_stemstride': True,
    'fl_richstem': False,
    'fl_parallelstem': False,
    'fl_maxpool': False,
    'fl_lfe': False,
    'fl_transpose': False,
    'fl_transpose_odd': False,

    'output_stride': 16,
    'p_cutmix': 0,
    'losses_set': ['CE', 'dice'],


It is not necessary to fill all dictionary options as most of them you will use the default values present at A shorter initiation would be:

ds_params = {
    'ckpt_dirbase': './savedir/',
    'bs_train': 8,
    'aug_type': 'geomRTK',
    'train_path': 'RTK_pisss/labeled_list_classic_n561.txt',
    'val_path': 'RTK_pisss/labeled_list_classic_val.txt',

tr_params = {
    'nexps': 1,
    'niters': 1000,
    'nsteps': 7,
    'model_name':  'Unet',
    'encoder_name': 'resnet34',
    'optim': 'adam',
    'policy': 'one_cycle',
    'losses_set': ['CE'],


Training Dictionaries

Both dictionaries present many options; some only work for specific situations, and others have a closed set of options to choose from. The section bellow explains them:


  • ckpt_dirbase: [str] - the directory path to save all training artifacts.
  • DS: [str] - the dataset Class to be used, it should be defined in; examples here and here.
  • n_classes: [int] - number of classes expected.
  • ix_nolabel: [int] - id of the class to be ignored.
  • fl_plot: [bool] - to plot on tensorboard log the filepaths listed in the train_dummy_path and val_dummy_path.
  • bs_train: [int] - training batch size.
  • bs_val: [int] - validation batch size.
  • bs_test: [int] - test batch size, it only needed if there is any test_path file.
  • train_path: [str] - filepath that lists the images for training.
  • train_eval_path: [str] - filepath that lists the images for training evaluation; it matters when you have a large training set and do not want to waste too much time to evaluate mIoU on the training set. If no value is assigned for it, it uses the train_path file.
  • train_dummy_path: [str] - filepath that lists the images to be plotted on the tensorboard log.
  • val_path: [str] - filepath that lists the images for validation.
  • val_dummy_path: [str] - filepath that lists the images to be plotted on the tensorboard log.
  • test_path: [str] - filepath that lists the images for testing.
  • fl_classes_weights: [bool] - it should only be True when using WCE, and is only valid for the RTKDataset class; see here.
  • fl_clsweight_attenuate: [bool] - it is one workaround to avoid over-represent the underrepresented classes, such exponentially attenuate the weight classes; see here.
  • case_n: [str] - this parameter is only valid for the RTKDataset class; see here.
  • fl_focal: [bool] - use this adapted version of cross-entropy.
  • aug_type: [str] - the type of augumentation to apply; it should be declared here.
  • crop_size: [tuple(int, int)] - crop size only used when crop is choice as augmentation.
  • scale_area: [tuple(float, float)] - lower and upper boundaries for scaling; it is only used when resizing is chosen as augmentation.


  • fl_resume: [bool] - set True when you want to start the training from the last checkpoint save in ckpt_dirbase.
  • fl_force: [bool] - set True when you want to ignore the previous file saved in ckpt_dirbase and start from scratch; WARNING the new training overwrites the old files.
  • fl_fasttest: [bool] - set True to run a single iteration of a single to test if new code changes work.
  • fl_save_logimage: [bool] - set True to save the images listed on the dummy files on the tensorboard log.
  • nexps: [int] - number of experiments to run.
  • start_exp: [int] - the index number to start counting the experiment id.
  • niters: [int] - number of iterations between evaluations.
  • nsteps: [int] - number of steps.
  • model_name: [str] - any model name available in Segmentation Models or DeepLabV3Plus.
  • encoder_name: [str] - any model name available in Segmentation Encoders or [resnet34, resnet50, resnet101].
  • optim: [str] - adam or sgd.
  • sameLR: [bool] - set False when you want to train the encoder with a learning rate 10 times lower than the decoder one.
  • max_lr_sgd: [float] - the learning rate used when optim is sgd.
  • min_lr_sgd: [float] - it is only used when policy is poly and it is optional; if it is not set any value, the min_lr_sgd is 100x lower than max_lr_sgd.
  • lr_adam: [float] - the learning rate used for them adam optimizer.
  • fl_warmup: [bool] - only used when policy is poly; set True when you want to start training slowly with a very low learning rate that gradually increases to max_lr_sgd.
  • policy: [str] - the available policies are [poly, linear, one_cycle, None], see here; Use None to train with a constant learning rate.
  • fl_freeze: [bool] - set True to do not train the batch normalization parameters.
  • fl_stemstride: [bool] - set False to avoid the first ResNet stride; it only works for DeepLabV3Plus.
  • fl_richstem: [bool] - set True to use a ResNet with a stem attached to a parallel path with ten convolutional layers.
  • fl_parallelstem: [bool] - set True to use a ResNet with a stem attached to a parallel path with two convolutional layers.
  • fl_maxpool: [bool] - set True to avoid the ResNet max-pooling layer that occurs just after the stem block.
  • fl_lfe: [bool] - set True to use the ResNet convolutional blocks with Hybrid Local Feature Extractor (HLFE) rates; it only works for DeepLabV3Plus.
  • fl_transpose: [bool] - set True to use transposed convolution instead of interpolation upsampling; it only works for DeepLabV3Plus.
  • fl_transpose_odd: [bool] - set True in case coarse feature map presents a dimension of odd number; it is only needed when tranposed convolution outcomes mismatch the expected dimension size, and it only works for DeepLabV3Plus.
  • output_stride: [int] - it is a DeepLabV3Plus parameters; it only works for the values of [4, 8, 16, 32].
  • p_cutmix: [float] - set a value between [0, 1] to apply cutmix during training.
  • losses_set: [list[str]] - a list assigning which losses should be used for training; it allows a permutation combination between ['CE', 'dice', 'miou'].


Performance Increment Strategy for Semantic Segmentation







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