Throughout many lost lands of the world, everyone always wonder how the world would be like if the Mesozoic era never happen. Well, while traveling through tropical forests with many species, mysteries castles with dark entities and being the player of a 2D side scrolling adventure game with your favorite dinosaur. Dino Dynasty is here to show you what went on for thousands and thousands of years before extinction. If Dinosaur's had survived all the changes on Earth, and now, leaving their home; will they continue to resolute or follow fate as meters are incoming to earth before time runs out.
AS A USER, I want to be able to have fun with this game
GIVEN I want to use the arrow keys want to move around
WHEN I enter the mapp I can walk
THEN I will be generating points for each enemy I face in combat.
THEN I will be generating time by collecting timewatches in the game.
GIVEN artwork sprites
WHEN I explore the mapp, I will travel from point A to B.
WHEN I come in contact with power up, DINO changes persona.
THEN I will be given the results of my score and compare with other players at the end of the mapp.
npm install
npm install mongoose
npm install express
npm install webpack -g
npm install nodewebkit
run node server.js
- Express
- Axios
- Mongoose
- Webpack
- Webkit
- Node
- Phaser 3 (API)
- Tiled App (Level Design)
- Piskel
- Bootstrap 3 & 4
- Animation
- JavaScript
- Feel free to message Troy at and or use the contacts resource on our projects page to send us your thoughs, ideas, and what your looking to create!
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