The tokenssL's history goal is making TLS certificates requestion, validation, installation and renewanation become simplest,
The ssL certificates' distribution becomes a small entropy's distribution: that's the token
we called,
Advantages w/ tokenssL
- Simple, fast and automatic.
- Human cost reduce for TLS certificates distribution company, and TLS users.
- With the auto renewal technology, Multiple year period TLS ceritifcates becomes possible (will renew year by year automatically).
- Wildcard no need DNS permission anymore.
So, with so powerful tokenssL is, why you keep selling traditional certificate in future?
If you have interested with tokenssL's cooperation, please
- Hosting provider contact idc-parnters@tokenssL.comm.
- Certificate authority contact, we only co-operate w/ CA who been included by Chromiumn + Mozilla + Apple + Windows.
- Retailer & Reseller contact
tokenssL的歷史使命就是讓 TLS 數位憑證的申請、審核、安裝以及續期簡化到極致,
讓 ssL 證書的分發簡化到最低熵,這個熵就是我們的主角 -- 我們稱之為 token
tokenssL 的優勢
- 簡單、自動且迅速。
- 無論業者,或是使用者,均可降低人工成本。
- 得益於自動續期科技,讓多年期數位憑證變為真正可能(將會自動1年1年續期, 而用戶對之完全冇感知)。
- 萬用符憑證的頒發,也無需DNS權限。
所以,在有如此多強悍光環加持之下的 tokenssL 存在的同時,為什麼還要繼續銷售您那傳統、笨拙且耗費青春的傳(lè)統(se)TLS證書?
如果您有意向成為 tokenssL 的伙伴,請
- IDC(雲伺服器、主機、網存)業者 idc-parnters@tokenssL.comm.
- CA(證書頒發機構), 我們目前僅同被
信任的CA機構合作. - 販賣零售商、經銷商