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Buffer, mark, tabpage, colorscheme switcher for Neovim


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buffer / mark / tabpage / colorscheme switcher for Neovim.




Using packer.nvim

use 'toppair/reach.nvim'

Using vim-plug

Plug 'toppair/reach.nvim'


-- default config
  notifications = true



-- default
local options = {
  handle = 'auto',              -- 'bufnr' or 'dynamic' or 'auto'
  show_icons = true,
  show_current = false,         -- Include current buffer in the list
  show_modified = true,         -- Show buffer modified indicator
  modified_icon = '',          -- Character to use as modified indicator
  grayout_current = true,       -- Wheter to gray out current buffer entry
  force_delete = {},            -- List of filetypes / buftypes to use
                                -- 'bdelete!' on, e.g. { 'terminal' }
  filter = nil,                 -- Function taking bufnr as parameter,
                                -- returning true or false
  sort = nil,                   -- Comparator function (bufnr, bufnr) -> bool
  terminal_char = '\\',         -- Character to use for terminal buffer handles
                                -- when options.handle is 'dynamic'
  grayout = true,               -- Gray out non matching entries

  -- A list of characters to use as handles when options.handle == 'auto'
  auto_handles = require('reach.buffers.constant').auto_handles,
  auto_exclude_handles = {},    -- A list of characters not to use as handles when
                                -- options.handle == 'auto', e.g. { '8', '9', 'j', 'k' }
  previous = {
    enable = true,              -- Mark last used buffers with specified chars and colors
    depth = 2,                  -- Maximum number of buffers to mark
    chars = { '' },            -- Characters to use as markers,
                                -- last one is used when depth > #chars
    groups = {                  -- Highlight groups for markers,
      'String',                 -- last one is used when depth > #groups
  -- A map of action to key that should be used to invoke it
  actions = {
    split = '-',
    vertsplit = '|',
    tabsplit = ']',
    delete = '<Space>',
    priority = '=',


-- Example keymapping
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>rb', function() require('reach').buffers(buffer_options) end, {})

or command with default options applied:

ReachOpen buffers

When window is open:

  • type in the buffer handle to switch to that buffer, <CR> required if options.handle == 'bufnr' and there are further matches
  • press <Space> to start deleting buffers, if options.handle == 'bufnr' a prompt accepting space separated list of bufnrs is displayed
  • press | to split buffer vertically
  • press - to split buffer horizontally
  • press ] to open buffer in a new tab

If options.handle == 'auto':

  • press = to start assigning priorities to buffers. Buffers with higher priority (1 is higher priority than 2) will have their handles assigned first. This is persistent for each cwd. Set priority to <Space> to remove it.


-- default
local options = {
  filter = function(mark)
    return mark:match('[a-zA-Z]') -- return true to disable
  -- A map of action to key that should be used to invoke it
  actions = {
    split = '-',
    vertsplit = '|',
    tabsplit = ']',
    delete = '<Space>',


or command with default options applied:

ReachOpen marks

When window is open:

  • type in the mark handle to jump to that mark
  • press <Space> to start deleting marks
  • press | to split mark vertically
  • press - to split mark horizontally
  • press ] to open mark in a new tab


-- default
local options = {
  show_icons = true,
  show_current = false,
  -- A map of action to key that should be used to invoke it
  actions = {
    delete = '<Space>',


or command with default options applied:

ReachOpen tabpages

When window is open:

  • type in the tabpage number to switch to that tabpage
  • press <Space> to start deleting tabpages


-- default
local options = {
  filter = (function()
    local default = {
      'blue', 'darkblue', 'default', 'delek', 'desert', 'elflord', 'evening', 'industry', 'koehler',
      'morning', 'murphy', 'pablo', 'peachpuff', 'ron', 'shine', 'slate', 'torte', 'zellner',

    return function(name)
      return not vim.tbl_contains(default, name) -- return true to disable


or command with default options applied:

ReachOpen colorschemes

When window is open:

  • type in the colorscheme handle to set it

Instant switching to nth buffer

-- options as in require('reach').buffers(options)
require('reach').switch_to_buffer(n, options)


ReachBorder             -> 'Comment'
ReachDirectory          -> 'Directory'
ReachModifiedIndicator  -> 'String'
ReachHandleBuffer       -> 'String'
ReachHandleDelete       -> 'Error'
ReachHandleSplit        -> 'Directory'
ReachTail               -> 'Normal'
ReachHandleMarkLocal    -> 'Type'
ReachHandleMarkGlobal   -> 'Number'
ReachMark               -> 'Normal'
ReachMarkLocation       -> 'Comment'
ReachHandleTabpage      -> 'TabLineSel'
ReachGrayOut            -> 'Comment'
ReachMatchExact         -> 'String'
ReachPriority           -> 'Special'
ReachCurrent            -> 'Title'