mvn clean install
java -jar target/lang-ref-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Tested With (mvn --version)
Apache Maven 3.9.6
Java version: 17.0.3, vendor: Eclipse Adoptium, runtime: ...
TODO: default keyword in Interfaces
(000) JAVA8 : Write an implementation of the Comparator Interace using Lambda
(001) JAVA8 : Print all elements of a List of Objects using Consumer Interface
(002) JAVA8 : Write an implementation of java.util.functio.Function that returns the uppercase version of a String. Write it with Lambda
(003) JAVA8 : Write a Fibonacci series implementation using java.util.function.Supplier
(004) JAVA8 : Print an internal field of a Bean using Method Reference. There are a list of Bean so you can use a Consumer
(005) JAVA8 : Filter and collect a List of bean into a Map. Use StreamAPI
(006) JAVA8 : Starting from a List of Bean where each Bean has a property with type List , print all the values of that property in the collection of bean. Use FlatMap
(007) JAVA8 : Find max of Integer using Stream's Reduce method. Consider an Empty List of Integer as well
(008) JAVA8 : Fibonacci sequence with a Infinite Stream Of Integer build by Stream.generate static method