Framework for quantum simulations using realistic device models.
Signals represent interface between the devices.
Each signal type should inherit from the Abstract Base Class GenericSignal
implemented in qureed/signals/
Each device design stems from the Abstract Base Class GenericDevice(ABC)
implemented in qureed/devices/
qureed is currently in Alpha stage, it can be installed using github. Here we give the tutorial on how to install the qureed program from github.
On the webpage Miniconda find the appropriate installer and install the package. After completion, you can open the Anaconda Prompt and create a new virtual environment pertaining to qureed:
conda create --name qureed python=3.12
Upon the completed process you can in the same prompt activate the environment
conda activate qureed
If you want to deactivate the virtual environment, type:
conda deactivate
Run powershell as an administrator. Then activate the ssh-agent:
# Check if the ssh-agent service is running
Get-Service ssh-agent
# If the service is stopped, you can set it to start automatically
Set-Service -Name ssh-agent -StartupType Automatic
# Start the service if it's not already running
Start-Service ssh-agent
Now you can start by generating the key:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
If your machine doesn’t support ed25519 you can use -t rsa -b 4096
You will need to install git for windows from Git. After installing you need to start the git terminal and configure name and email:
git config "<Your Name>"
git config "<Your Email>"
Now you can add the ssh key:
ssh-add ~\.ssh\id_ed25519
Or other location if you did not choose the default location.
You should now add the public key to your github account. You can copy the public key (to your clipboard) by:
clip < ~/.ssh/
Now go to the Github settings and add the key to your account.
With the previous steps completed, you can now clone the repository using Git for windows.
Make sure you checkout the correct branch.
Open miniconda and activate the environment. cd
into the cloned directory, it
should contain
and install the package:
pip install -e .
Now you should be able to run the gui
or manually by
# qureed/gui/
Currently qureed is in development process, so you should use it as a developer. Please read the notes on Conributing.
- in the gui branch
The gui is implemented in qureed/gui directory. To run the gui
execute the
file by:
Flet is a flutter wrapper library.
In order to develop the framework:
- clone the repository,
- create a new branch,
- create new virtual environment:
- with
virtualenv .venv source .venv/bin/activate
- or with conda: TODO
- with
- install the package in editable mode (this also installs all of the required packages):
pip install -e .