Implementation of gossip based on pull mechanism.
For usage details, please refer to the example folder.
User must implement interface Delegate
- Delegate
type Delegate interface {
// NotifyMsg notify user massage
NotifyMsg(msg []byte)
// GetBroadcasts gossip user messages
GetBroadcasts() (data [][]byte)
// GetPullRequest return pull request
GetPullRequest() (req []byte)
// ProcessPullRequest process pull request and return pull response
ProcessPullRequest(req []byte) (resp []byte)
// ProcessPullResponse process pull response
ProcessPullResponse(resp []byte)
User selectable interface EventDelegate
- EventDelegate
type EventDelegate interface {
// NotifyJoin notify membership join
NotifyJoin(member pb.Membership)
// NotifyLeave notify membership leave
NotifyLeave(member pb.Membership)
// NotifyUpdate notify membership metadata update
NotifyUpdate(member pb.Membership)