World of Hello, an engine developed by me available for PC, mobile, and web located at, contains the game Hello Classic.
This game is an open source 2D top-down MMO featuring infinitely sized levels, online editors, and querying players by location.
- Install World of Hello at The Android, iOS, and Windows versions are all considered development environments (for example, mobile users can also develop).
- Run the Hello application (any version; mobile, web, or desktop).
- Press the "Sign In" button and sign into an account or the "Register" button to create an account.
- Press the "Create World" button and fill out the information, including giving your application a name.
- Download the Classic git files, either using the git command or by downloading a zip from the github site, and saving them locally.
- Press the "Menu" button on the top-right of the Hello screen.
- Go to "Files", press "Upload New", and upload the Classic scripts and files their corresponding git directories.
That's it.