Trio Pambudi Utomo
Current Job:
Mobile Apps Engineer
🔬 Sensor, Microcontroller
🔬 Biomedical Engineering
🔬 Machine Learning
Android smartphone is used for heart rate monitoring and displaying electrocardiogram (ECG) graph. Heart rate determination is based on QRS peak detection. Two methods are studied to detect the QRS complex peak; they are Peak Threshold and Peak Filter. The acquisition of ECG data is utilized by AD8232 module from Analog Devices, three electrodes, and Microcontroller Arduino UNO R3. To record the ECG data from a patient, three electrodes are attached to particular body’s surface of a patient. Patient’s heart activity which is recorded by AD8232 module is decoded by Arduino UNO R3 into analog data. Then, the analog data is converted into a voltage value (mV) and is processed to get the QRS complex peak. Heart rate value is calculated by Microcontroller Arduino UNO R3 uses the QRS complex peak. Voltage, heart rate, and the QRS complex peak are sent to Android smartphone by Bluetooth HC-05. ECG data is displayed as the graph by Android smartphone. To evaluate the performance of QRS complex peak detection method, three parameters are used; they are positive predictive, accuracy and sensitivity.
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In robotics, object detection system is very important. This detection can be used by robots for navigation. In object detection, one of the methods is using color. I develop an Android applications to detect object based on color. Colors can be chosen directly when the application is running. Furthermore, the position of the object based on the phone's screen that has been detected through this color is sent via Bluetooth to a robot.
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