Hello, I am Ashutosh Tripathi, a PhD student at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), where I conduct research in theoretical physics under the supervision of Prof. Jun Nishimura. I hold an integrated BS-MS degree in Physics from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Mohali. My research centers on the exploration of non-perturbative phenomena within quantum mechanics and field theory models, employing both numerical and analytical methodologies.
- Theoretical High Energy Physics
- Lattice Gauge Theory / QCD
- Matrix models (IKKT, BFSS)
- Quantum Simulations (HMC, CLM, GTM)
- Quantum Computing & Neural Networks
Check out my publications on Inspire-HEP, Google Scholar
- Official Email: tripashu@post.kek.jp
- Gmail: tripathiashutosh9452@gmail.com
- Whatsapp: +91 9140428358
- Line ID: ashu91404
- Office: Office No. 217, KEK Theory Center, 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan (305-0801)
- Personal Website: In preparation...