If you’re reading this, it probably means that you have read one of the contributor’s CVs. We’re sure you’re about to make a great choice! Here you will find the project we’ve been working on during our Full-Stack Development Master Course, from October 2019 until January 2020.
In these four months we’ve developed a LinkedIn-like app that allows users to register, login/out, create their own profile, create, like and share posts. We’ve developed the project using a SCRUM methodology, dividing it in four sprints, that were organized in user stories and finally split in individual tasks. The frontend part was developed in React, while the backend was developed using Laravel.
We know that there is some repeated code and some line might not look really nice but… we started the Master Course with zero (or almost-zero) coding skills: we’re pretty proud of what we’ve been able to create from scratch!
We’re confident that someday, our duckling Labori will turn into a magnificent swan.