An ASP.NET Web API for querying transport-related datasets from Singapore LTA DataMall.
Join my Discord Server and Telegram Channel
Get Started
An account key is required for calling the APIs and you can request it from LTA DATAMALL.
git clone ""
cd .\LTA-DataMall-API\src\
dotnet user-secrets init
dotnet user-secrets set "LtaDataService:AccountKey" "[YOUR-ACCOUNT-KEY]"
dotnet restore
dotnet build
dotnet run --launch-profile "Web API"
Open URL https://localhost:7153/index.html in a web browser.
Project Workflows
The project workflows can automate build and publish the lta-datamall-api
Docker image to Docker Hub using GitHub Actions.
graph LR;
A[Push to master]-->B[Built and Published?];
B--Yes-->C[Push to Docker Hub];
Discord Server setting up.
Telegram Channel setting up.
Here's a quick start using Play-With-Docker (PWD) to start-up a service.