This is a template for creating an e-store.
Everyone can see all available items in the store. Users can register and then log-in for getting possibilities to add items to their personal bucket and make orders.
There are specific tools for admins only to allow them adding items to the store and viewing a list of all registered users.
- Java 11
- Maven 3.8.0
- JUnit 4.12
- Maven-checkstyle-plugin
- javax.servlet-api 3.1.0
- JSTL 1.2
- mysql-connector-java 8.0.18
- log4j 1.2.17
Open the project in your IDE.
Add it as maven project.
Configure Tomcat: add artifact; add sdk 11.0.3 Add sdk 11.0.3 in project struсture.
Create a schema "storage" in MySQLWorkbench database. Default schema's name "test".
Use Interntet-shop.src.main.resources.init_db.sql to create all the tables required by this app.
At class use your username and password for your DB to create a Connection.
You should to configure a path of logs in
Run the project.
Register users. Default user role - "USER".
To add items and manage users you should change role for your admin-user to "ADMIN" in database.