Logic-based technologies (LBT) are either built
- on top of Prolog
- from Scratch
Building LBT on top of Prolog means
- be tailored on the way Prolog does stuff
- either rely on FLI, or call Prolog from the command line, or write in Prolog
Building LBT from scratch means
- reinventing the wheel over and over again
Provide LP functialities
- as a library, for mainstream programming languages
- individually, to ease selective exploitation and combination
- to as many platform/languages as possible, hence maximising the potential audience
Provide an ecosystem of logic-based facilities aimed for re-use, e.g.
- to create novel logic-based facilities
- to exploit LP in every-day programming
Avoid the need for reimplementing the same functionalities on a per-project basis
- e.g. terms/clauses contruction/manipulation, unification, etc.
- providing the facilities as ready-to-use, and customisable libraries
We shall demonstrate "How to do stuff" in 2P-Kt, in particular concerning:
terms and clauses manipulation
- creation, exploitation, parsing, and formatting
unification of terms and clauses
theories manipulation
- creation, exploitation, parsing
- e.g. in Prolog, or concurrent LP