BMP085/BMP180 library for pico-sdk
Based on Adafruit-BMP085-Library
Examples can be found here
Add the pico-bmp085Driv subdirectory to the CMakeLists.txt of your project and include the library in target_link_libraries.
Before reading the sensor, it must be initialized with BMP085_init.
BMP085_init the sensor mode as a parameter
Example: BMP085_init(BMP085_STANDARD);
Other usable modes are BMP085_ULTRALOWPOWER
By default, the library uses pins 4 (SDA) and 5 (SCL). BMP085_setI2C(i2c_inst_t *i, uint16_t sda, uint16_t scl, uint8_t addr);
can be used to select the I2C peripheral, pins and sensor adress.
returns the temperature in °C as float.
returns the atmospheric pressure in Pascals (Pa) as uint32_t.