The SafeConvert is a .NET library used to convert data between data types safely.
Supports .NET 2.0 ( #define DISABLE_LINQ
or use System.Core.dll ) and .NET 3.5+
It uses System.Convert
to convert object, and uses TryParse
to convert string.
And the api is just the same as System.Convert
Convert from string "1" to bool will return true
var b = "1".ToBoolean(); // Print true
Convert from string "1" to byte
var b = "1".ToByte(); // Print 1
Convert from string "10" to short
var s = "10".ToInt16(); // Print 10
Convert from string "100" to int
var i = "100".ToInt32(); // Print 100
Convert from string "1000" to long
var l = "1000".ToInt64(); // Print 1000
Convert from string "6.5" to float
var f = "6.5".ToSingle(); // Print 6.5
Convert from string "6.5" to decimal
var d = "6.5".ToDecimal(); // Print 6.5
Convert from string "6.5" to double
var d = "6.5".ToDouble(); // Print 6.5
Convert from string "2014-12-02 11:00:00" to DateTime
var dateTime = "2014-12-02 11:00:00".ToDateTime();
Each extension methods has the default value in case of failing to parse
E.g: convert from string "abc" to int using default value
var n = "abc".ToInt(10); // Print default value 10 because of failing to parse