The work in this repo is continued in a new mono repo here:
Direct link inside mono repo:
Current version of specs can be found here.
To include this library to your Maven project add following to the pom.xml
In addition ensure that your settings.xml includes the required github credentials following the github docs. Here's an example:
<settings xmlns=""
To install console app you can use the following script (assuming you are using bash
PREFIX=/usr/local/bin && \
sudo curl -L "" -o "$PREFIX/crypt4gh.jar" && \
echo -e '#!/usr/bin/env bash\njava -jar' "$PREFIX/crypt4gh.jar" '$@' | sudo tee "$PREFIX/crypt4gh" > /dev/null && \
sudo chmod +x "$PREFIX/crypt4gh"
$ crypt4gh
usage: crypt4gh [-d <arg> | -e <arg> | -g <arg> | -h | -v] [-kf <arg>]
[-kp <arg>] [-pk <arg>] [-sk <arg>]
Crypt4GH encryption/decryption tool
-d,--decrypt <arg> decrypt the file (specify file to decrypt)
-e,--encrypt <arg> encrypt the file (specify file to encrypt)
-g,--generate <arg> generate key pair (specify desired key name)
-h,--help print this message
-kf,--keyform <arg> key format to use for generated keys (OpenSSL or
-kp,--keypass <arg> password for Crypt4GH private key (will be prompted
afterwords if skipped)
-pk,--pubkey <arg> public key to use (specify key file)
-sk,--seckey <arg> secret key to use (specify key file)
-v,--version print application's version
Read more about the format at