This console application pulls data from the LibCal API and uploads it to an oracle database.
The console app supports three commands: update
, batch
, and print-schema
Pulls data from the LibCal API and updates the database with it. Which data sources are updated, and what date range
data will be pulled in, are configurable with command line arguments. Run libcal-etl update --help
to see argument
syntax. Requires LIBCAL_CLIENT_ID
environment variables to be set.
Loads Spaces/Room Booking data from .csv files exported from the LibCal UI and inserts it into the database. Batches can
be exported from LibCal by going to Spaces > Booking Explorer
environment variable.
Outputs the CREATE
statements used to make the tables the program interacts with. This requires
environment variable in order to determine the SQL dialect.
Will check for a .env
file to read environment variables from.
The SQL dialect is determined by the format of the connection string. If it starts with Filename=
, it will assume it
is a Sqlite database file. Otherwise, it will assume it is a connection string for an Oracle database.
Building a Linux executable on Windows:
dotnet publish -c Release --os linux -p:PublishSingleFile=true --sc
Using the EF cli to generate an idempotent update script:
dotnet ef migrations script -i